It is important to ensure that your educational institution has the right security measures in place to effectively combat modern cyber threats.

The education industry has stepped foot into the digital era which is transforming the way students learn, professors teach, and educational institutions operate. The industry is experiencing increased attention on digital classrooms, artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IoT).

Although this move is very positive, integrating technology into education does bring about some challenges for administrators that a professional IT service provider can help with. These challenges include:

  • Data Security
  • Student Success Support
  • Experienced IT Staffing
  • Data-enabled Culture Creation
  • Digital Integration
  • Data Governance
  • Adapting to Change

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Education

When educational institutes fully incorporate technology into their operations, it is important to ensure that your educational institution has the right security measures in place to effectively combat modern cyber threats. The best way to identify any cybersecurity risks is to perform a comprehensive risk assessment.

To keep your data safe and secure, a risk assessment will identify the gaps in your security strategy, will allow you to address vulnerabilities, and will help you to comply with government regulations. Specifically, a cybersecurity risk assessment will take an in-depth look at the following critical categories:

  • Governance, Policies, and Procedures
  • Perimeter Security
  • Internal Protections
  • Server and Endpoint Management
  • Identity Management
  • Cloud, Web, and Email Management
  • Application and Data Security

Once a risk assessment is performed, we will provide your institution with an executive report. The summary of the assessment will offer recommendations to mitigate your cybersecurity risks and will inform your institution of the following:

  • Security maturity level in each of the critical categories
  • Determine protections in place and if they work
  • Thorough interpretation of the risks and vulnerabilities your institution currently has
  • Need for a proactive plan and to prioritize security spending that will protect your data moving forward

As cyber criminals increase their efforts, educational institutions today need to increase their cybersecurity efforts as well. Identifying and addressing risks and vulnerabilities is a crucial part of any great cybersecurity strategy. Performing periodic risk assessments of your institutional security will help make sure you have the right cybersecurity measures and controls in place to keep your sensitive data safe and secure.

Educational institutions can reduce IT implementation costs and IT management time by outsourcing components of your IT solution to service providers familiar with education and all associated technologies, like Orion Network Solutions.

Orion Network Solutions is here to help you with security and any IT support needs. We offer robust security and IT solutions that will fit your educational institution. For more information, and to schedule a risk assessment, reach out to us by phone at 703-891-9535, or by email at

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